Jeyes fluid and its uses

27 Sep 2011 Comments 3


Jeyes Fluid has a number of uses ranging from general household sanitizing, dustbins, drains and more.

It kills germs and harmful bacteria and odorizes bad smells.


Typically used at a ratio of 20 to 25 ml Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water. Apply with brush or spray. Jeyes Fluid is not always known for its wide range of uses,



Used Pots, Seed Trays, Old window boxes, Containers, etc.

Mix 60 ml  Pine scented Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water. Clean container in water, then soak them in mixture for about an hour and allow too dry. When dry they are ready for use. If containers are to big drench them through, applying mixture with watering or spray can



Cleaning rusted garden tools, ornaments, and implements.

Paint neat Original Jeyes fluid onto rusted items and allow to dry in the sun. Repeat process once again. The rusted item will  turn black and stay rust free for 2 years when left unpainted. Be careful with plastic items, as Jeyes fluid may stain them.

Sterilizing tools and knives.

20 ml  Pine scented Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water. Soak tools in mixture, then rinse in clean water.


Do not wash your hands in Jeyes fluid.


Moles in the lawn

I little over 40 year ago I remember asking a then eighty odd year old man how does one get rid of moles in the lawn? He told me to get a 1 liter container or bottle and mix 75 ml Original Jeyes fluid with 1 liter water. Make small holes in the mole track with a spoon or a stick about 30 to 40cm apart, and pour about half a cup full ( just a dash) of the mixture in each hole, I recall him saying the little blighters hate the smell and this remedy should cause them to run quickly back into the neighbor’s garden. This method has shown me good results on numerous occasions.


The only thing is how often can I safely do this without destroying the soil organism?



10ml Original Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water. Spray foliage once every 10 days to prevent fungus infection.


Lawn Fungus

5ml  Original Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water per square meter. To keep the lawn in good condition, apply every two weeks until under control from August to May.


Ant control

Pour neat  Pine or Original Jeyes fluid down ant holes and wash down with water. Repeat frequently.


Algae Growth

Trees and shrubs

25 ml Original Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water

Apply with garden spray, drenching the affected area; preferably at sundown as Jeyes fluid may scorch foliage in the sunlight.


Pathways, patios and pool surrounds

125ml  Original or Pine scented Jeyes fluid to 5 liters of water. Apply with watering can, lightly brush affected areas and hose down afterwards. Jeyes fluid eats away all green and black algae collected in the cracks over the hardened surface.



Be careful when using Jeyes fluid on polythene and polystyrene, as it may leave stains.

Do not use Jeyes fluid on the cucurbit family (cucumbers, melons, etc.), celery and lettuces under glass or exotic indoor plants.

I believe the use of jeyes fluid is banned in Europe to be used as a soil sterilizer as well as an insecticide for the very reason that it kills the good with the bad bacteria in the soil.


In general Jeyes fluid has always been safe when used in above applications.

This does not, however, eliminate the possibility of adverse reactions, and should be applied with caution, at the users own risk.

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  • Gordon Thom

    I have an article written by Malcolm Kitt (Fellow) I.F.P.R.A. Director of Parks & Garden dept. Westville Durban. The article was written back in 1978 on the uses of Jeyes Fluid in the gardening area. It is a wonder article with detailed uses of Jeyes fluid. Not to sure how much of it applies today day as I am sure that the make up of Jeyes has changed several times over the years. I could forward it to the manufactures for their comment

    May 11, 2012 at 12:55pm
    • Peter Vink

      Hi Gordon,
      Yes please forward the article to the manufactures. It will be interesting to have their comments especially if there is the possibility that the content of the product may have changed over the years.
      Kind regards,

      Peter Vink

      May 11, 2012 at 15:02pm
  • jacqueline heather

    can I use Jeyes Fluid on a tarmaced driveway ?
    Will it damage or weaken tarmac ?

    February 19, 2013 at 18:49pm
    • Peter Vink

      Hi Jacqueline,
      Yes, you can use Jeyes Fluid on a tarmac driveway. Jeyes Fluid won't damage or weaken the tarmac.
      If your plan is to remove green moss, black algae or lichens you can also safely use "copper sulphate" (Cu SO4) a blue crystal which dilutes in water. You may use 50 grams in 10 litre of water (use a pressure spray can and apply to the whole driveway to the point of being wet. A week later the now dead algae can be brushed and hosed down. It is best to apply a second application which provides a residual protection against future moss growth.
      I used copper sulphate on my roof 4 years ago and the algae has not returned.

      February 22, 2013 at 11:29am